Tuesday, May 15, 2012

153 People Rescued from Sinking Taiwanese Boat

TAIPEI -- All 153 people aboard a Taiwan-registered passenger boat that issued a distress signal yesterday morning have been rescued, according to China's Xinhua News Agency later in the day.
At 9:23 a.m. local time, the crew of the vessel Golden Dragon, which was sailing from Taiwan's outlying Matsu County to Fujian province's Mawei City, issued a distress call when it reached the waters around the estuary of China's Min River, saying the ship had a leak and was in danger of sinking, the report said.

The Maritime Search and Rescue Center of Fujian province acted immediately and sent out rescue boats to the scene, the report stated, adding the boat has been taken to a factory to undergo repairs.

Golden Dragon's passengers were taken to Fujian's Qingzhou, while the five crew members, including a Myanmar national, remained on board to assist with the boat's repairs

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